23-26 AUGUST


2024 guest

at the festival —


A place to intercede in an atmosphere of worship.

Worship and prayer go hand in hand as we behold the King and then pray for His Kingdom to come. Join us in the Prayer Tent as we catch God’s heart for the nation and the world and pray out His purposes. Our prayers will be both spoken and sung; prophetic and practical. There will be a rhythm of singing and praying through Scripture to root our prayers in the heart of God, flowing into intercession for specific areas where the Lord longs to bring salvation and justice.

youth tent

Get ready for an incredible experience in our Youth Tent, where there will be ample time and space to hang out and connect. We are thrilled to host workshops specifically curated for our youth, focusing on creatively expressing their own unique version of worship. These workshops will be led by some very special guests.

Our morning sessions will run from 10:00 to 12:00, followed by workshops from 15:00 to 16:00, and worship from 16:00 to 17:00 on both Saturday and Sunday. Join us for an unforgettable weekend of growth, creativity, and spiritual connection!

dt kids

DT Kids is a special space for anyone under 12 and their families - whatever shape this is. We will worship, spend time in God’s presence and fill up to become more like Him. There will be time to have fun, get stuck in with different activities, make new friends and let God change the world through you. DT Kids is made up of 3 Camps: Holy Camp (5-11yrs), Glory Camp (3yrs), Wonder Camp (0-3yrs). Come with a grown up to check out your camp on Friday from 3-4:30pm! Adults must be present for this drop-in session. All three DT Kids Camps will be open throughout the weekend (expect Monday), ready to help you & your family meet with Jesus!

Consecrate. Behold. Commune. Become.


Our desire is to come before the Lord with clean hands and pure hearts.  We step towards him with the understanding that his mercy is constant and unending.  We are imperfect yet we lay our lives before him as a sacrifice. We long to give every area of our lives to him because we recognize his worthiness.


We come into his presence with the longing like David, to gaze upon his beauty.  In this place of his dwelling, we join with the heavenly occupation of beholding the Lamb of God.  There is nothing that we want more than to see Jesus.  Face to face with God we are intent to lock eyes with the King and not look away.


Our desire is to become one with the Father as he, Jesus and the Spirit are one.  By prioritizing the priestly ministry of adoration and worship we see him rightly, as he truly is.  Through the act of pouring out our lives we make space for more of him in our lives.  Through hours of devoted adoration, we begin to know him and his character in ways we have not.  We yield to the work of the spirit in our lives which purifies, unites, and brings us more of a fullness of Christ in our own lives.


In the space of holy communion with the Father, Son & Holy Spirit, we become less as they increase in our laid down life.  By seeing the character and facets of Jesus we embrace our own life of sacrifice more readily. Our love for him draws us to a place of surrender and devotion because of his great mercy.  Through beholding, we become more like him.


Become a part of the incredible community of people that help make David’s Tent what it is. As a team builder, you get a first hand experience at facilitating a space for people to come meet with God. David’s Tent would not happen without the army of the 500+ team builders that serve, love, and create an amazing environment for our delegates each year. Join the team and enjoy a significant discount on your ticket!